Why Design is So Crucial to E-Commerce User Experience


Why Design is So Crucial to E-Commerce User Experience

When a customer is browsing your online store – how do they feel?

Excited? Calm? Happy? Confused? Annoyed? Inspired? Hungry? What type of response is your website generating in the minds of the visitor? Many e-commerce businesses get so distracted by analytics and figures that they sometimes lose sight of the fact that there is a flesh and blood human on the user side of the website. If you can think about what that person is experiencing, you can tweak your design to make it more appealing to them.

When a user arrives on your page and they are faced with a poor design with a difficult to navigate layout, annoying pop-ups or the dreaded auto-play music – they will click the close browser button in disgust and horror. You’ve certainly clicked away from badly designed websites yourself, so you know it happens. In fact, according to a study the overall look and feel of the website contributes 94% to the first impression it makes on your potential customers.

Plus, an eCommerce store is similar to a brick and mortar store in the fact that the products need to be organised. If the products in a supermarket were scattered everywhere and there was no logical order, you would spend 20 minutes walking around looking for the milk and then give up in frustration – never to shop there again. The same happens with an online store. Make sure that the product the customer is looking for is easy to find.

So how do you improve your website’s design? Testing and auditing is key – keep looking at your website to identify where it is failing so that you can continue to adjust and never stop improving it.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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