Effective Ways to Include Testimonials on Your Website



Effective Ways to Include Testimonials on Your Website

Let Your Customers Speak for Themselves

Your satisfied customers are a valuable marketing resource. People trust the recommendations of their peers much more than they trust marketing materials. Testimonials are a powerful way to establish trust and encourage visitors to sign up or buy your product. By incorporating testimonials into your website you’ll offer a very credible and unbiased recommendation for your product.

Testimonial Tips

So, what are some things to keep in mind when including testimonials on your website?

  • The best testimonials to use are the ones that contain details. It’s not enough for the customer to rave about how great the product is, they should mention details about what the product did for them and how it helped them.
  • Also, a good testimonial comes from someone that your customers can relate to – someone similar in age and demographic to your target audience.
  • One effective way is to include the testimonials in a sidebar or footer feature. This means that you can display them down the side of the page alongside your main content.
  • If you can include a photo of the happy customer alongside the testimonial this makes it much more effective and relatable to the reader.
  • If your website has a more simple design and doesn’t include sidebars, you could create a dedicated testimonials page.
  • You could also include case studies, which will have a longer story with some pictures. This is a great way to reveal one of your biggest successes and highlight dramatic results.
  • If you have a great tale to tell about one of your happy customers you could also consider writing a blog post. You can then share them on social media as part of your marketing campaign.

How will you incorporate testimonials into your website? For expert advice on web design and creating the best possible website for you, please feel free to contact us at any time.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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