SEO Strategies That Are Not Effective – Part Two

In Part One, we examined two outdated SEO policies that may no longer be effective. In this installment, we continue our look at some SEO strategies that may not be bringing your website to the highest ranking possible.

Focusing Only on the Desktop Platform

Until recently, website developers used to only worry about visuals and functions on a desktop computer. Now, with the advancements of mobile computing, users are using their devices more and more to perform searches. And because so many of these searches are done on mobile devices it is imperative that websites be mobile-compatible. If not, your rankings will drop.

In fact, Google recommends that sites have a responsive design that will adjust its viewing size and still retain aesthetics and accessibility. In other words, it is important that you provide users with a positive search no matter the device they are using.

Not Paying Attention to Social Media

Gone are the days when SEO was simply identifying keywords and including a lot of links within your code and content. And believe it or not, Google is no longer the only outlet to find information. Currently, users first interactions with a brand or company can be through social media. While some argue about how social media affects rankings, the impact of social media is undeniable.

It is shown that there is a positive connection between higher ranked sites and their social media presence. So if you have been delaying joining Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, you really should start rethinking that strategy. It is important to note that many users rely solely on social media for their information and they access these platforms on mobile devices, so your site should be social media and mobile device friendly.

While you don’t need to post all the time to these platforms you should consider the fact that social media is a great place to share content and expand your brand awareness.

What Does This Mean to You?

In conclusion, SEO strategies is no longer about “playing the system” and giving search engines what they are looking for. Now with search changing gears and implementing different methodology, website quality is now the standard. You may currently have a site with tons of keywords and links but if the content is unreadable and can’t be accessed on all devices, you need to look at your overall SEO strategy.

If you want help assessing your current SEO strategy, or would like assistance in implementing a new one, just contact us at Amari Consulting!

Amari Consulting

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